Memorial Day Weekend

It feels like– no matter what we do in an attempt to “relax” during holidays– we always end up jamming our schedule full of so many activities that we almost need another break after. Memorial Day Weekend is no different for our clan. When we chose May 27 as our wedding date back in 2012 we…

Step and Play Piano by Fisher Price

It’s official- we are on 61 days away from Christmas!  That’s about nine weeks (or four paychecks, if you count like most Americans on a bi-weekly pay schedule).  That means it’s time to start shopping for deals right now rather than waiting until Black Friday (which, by the way, is 31 days away as of this…

Target Diaper Deal is BACK!

I just can’t take politics anymore. Last night was the third (and, thankfully, finally) Presidential debate.  I decided that a late-night couponing trip to Target would distract me, rendering me unable to watch the debate and, thus, keeping some small bit of sanity. So I turned to the CNN station on my Sirius XM radio…

Fall Scented Baby Wipes

For all of my ultra-basics out there who REALLY want to step your game up… Walmart is selling fall scented baby wipes. FALL. SCENTED. BABY. WIPES. Now, even your baby’s butthole can be basic level expert. **Note: They are by Parent’s Choice.  Working on getting a real picture.

Baby and toddler clearance- $3 items at Old Navy!

We dropped by Old Navy yesterday to exchange a pair of leggings that were marked 18-24m (they were a 5T!) and stumbled across a treasure trove of savings! Baby and toddler leggings on sale for $3 Basic tops (tanks, tees, etc) on sale for $3 Onesies – buy one, get one 50% off Swimsuits for…

Amazon Prime Membership Special for My Readers

If you don’t already know, I use Amazon Prime for literally everything (we actually just ordered Willow’s baptism gown for $20 less than it was selling at Macy’s)! For my readers, Amazon is offering a special 30- day free trial.  Click here for more information (you can thank me later).